Llama Training with Bobra Goldsmith, a Video
It’s a great feeling to know that in an emergency, or anytime, you can work with your llamas.
This image shows a friend of ours learning to halter a young llama, shown in the video we made with Bobra Goldsmith. This young woman hadn’t done it before and she was thrilled to learn.
Often llamas understand what you are asking of them after you have shown them only a few times. Once they understand, they tend to remember. These techniques are also used effectively for training alpacas, relatives of llamas.
They are incredibly smart. I was very impressed with how much more quickly we could train llamas than dogs. In just a few days, using Bobra’s techniques, many people have trained llamas to accept a halter, walk easily with a lead rope, load into a vehicle, and perform other tasks.
Here you can watch a couple of minutes from the program we made with Bobra Goldsmith:
Noted llama trainer Bobra Goldsmith trained llamas for over 25 years. Her close attention to their behavior led her to develop training methods which are easy to use and respectful of the animals.
We produced this program… and back in the day we sold hundreds of copies to llama owners all over the world.
If you spend time around llamas, you probably want to be able to handle them.
“Pioneer llama trainer Bobra Goldsmith… inspires with her words, sensitivity, and common sense wisdom.”--Llama Life
“The program with Bobra Goldsmith has made an enormous impact on our training abilities. I am now able to halter and lead my llamas. I can’t say enough about this video. It is incredible… I recommend this to everyone with llamas. It is a godsend to me. I tried so many things to get close to my llamas, but nothing worked till now. I am in heaven!!!” –Linda Hann, USA, 2002
In this program, Bobra demonstrates:
- specific methods for initial contact
- her “slow motion” technique of haltering
- leading with a light hand
- loading into vehicles
- kushing (sitting down)
- developing trust and willingness.
In the video… a llama jumps around while getting used to the halter. Bobra is calm.